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歌谱:the butcher boy(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:未知歌手 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

4/4 time - slow.

this is the sad irish folk song
sung by emily in 搃 dies from love.?part ;o ;th ;son ;wer ;sprea ;through-
ou ;th ;episode ;al ;sun ;sol ;b ;actress
evi ;crowle ;herself.

; ; p p s s bsp;4

< b b b n & & ;  a  r&n y i&nbs d&n o well.

d&nb &n th me&n &nb l not stay. b b s n b & nbsp;?   > ;wish ; ;wis p; ;wish in&n 5 & & n 5 p p;  sp;&

nbs & &nbs nbsp;a maid& < r b n n n b nbsp;?&n & nbsp >but& &nbs    i'll&nbs b s b b n n  5&nb sp;  ;4
< l& he nbsp; bsp;on an a e

n n & n ;  ;?& nb sp;4 &n sh& y baby&nbs < s p p p s nbsp;&nbs bsp;&nb sp ;6

d  g on  d

; p ; ; ; p; ?;&n &nbs p;&nb br bs nbsp nbs , to  a < n ; p p sp; & nbs p;5& nbsp; 4

& & & n  ?   ;5& nbsp;? &nbs r sp;found he n & r b n b b bsp;&nbs p;? ?& nbsp; p;& nb br> p;t sp;his knif b u w n & n nbsp;&nbs p; p;& nbsp;5& nbsp;   >a p;in her poc d n & & ; ; p; & nbsp p;   sp;&nb sp;&
sp;a marble t p n

b s p nbsp;&nbs sp ;6& 7  s p;?&n bsp; 5

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