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歌谱:jesus freak2(TXT吉他谱)

演唱:佚名 作词:未知 作词:未知 来源:网络转载 人气: --

evry other version on here really bites so here is how it really goes.

it starts out on an acoustic

em g a b x2

then distortion

em g d c# b x2 when you play the d c# and B you lift your ring finger i dont know what you would call that but that is how it goes

verse (acoustic)

em c a

the rap part of the verse is the same with light distortion
chorus (distortion)

em g a b

for the bridge i dno the chords so i just do some scratching on my strings

the i play the lead very wrong but it sound ok

e 99 777 5/999 9 131313
b 99 777 5/999

and thats the way jesus freak (the best song ever) goes

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