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Date: Sun, 14 Apr 96 22:11:22 -0500

The Wonder Stuff

Sources: video/audio
Accuracy: at least 97%
Key: F#m
Capo: 2nd fret (play as Em)

Tabbed by: Andrew Tay (aka Ant) July 1995

Hi. Here's some tab for the song "Cirlesquare", as written and performed
by the now defunct Wonder Stuff. Circlesquare was a UK only single,
but it's also on the B-side of some "Size of a Cow" CD singles. Get it--
it's one of the best songs they ever did, and my personal favourite.

This tab is based on an acoustic version that Miles played on MuchMusic

(Canada's MTV), and is essentially the same as the acoustic version in
the "Welcome to the Cheap Seats" movie. Fortunately, I could
see what he was doing so I'm pretty sure there aren't any mistakes in


Here are all the chords you'll need. All are indicated relative to the
capo, so Em is really F#m and so on. Some chords have numbers in

<angled brackets>. These indicate variations which I'll explain

later on.
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