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当前位置: 摇滚年 提琴演奏视频 女高音Carmen Monarcha小提琴家André Rieu演唱Earth Song向mj致敬
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视频:女高音Carmen Monarcha小提琴家André Rieu演唱Earth Song向mj致敬

类别:提琴 用户:blackandy123 发布日期:15年前 播放次数:2,616
TAGS: 迈克尔杰克逊,michael,Jackson,米高積遜,麥可傑克森,mj,Carmen,Monarc
视频介绍: 巴西女高音Carmen Monarcha荷兰小提琴家André Rieu在荷兰演唱会中演唱Earth Song 地球之歌向mj致敬 Tribute to Michael Jackson by André Rieu, performed at Maastricht Vrijthof in July 2009, featuring "Ben" (instrumental) and "Earth Song" (Carmen Monarcha). André Rieu speaks in German, despite the concert being in the Dutch city of Maastricht. This is because the German TV station ZDF commissioned this concert. The concert also exists with André Rieu speaking in Limburgs. This version of the concert was broadcast on Dutch TV (with Dutch subtitles!) in early September 2009, a month after the ZDF broadcast on German TV, and 7 weeks after the actual live performance. At 0:33, there's a woman with her child (which seems quite content, but not overly enthusiastic), and at 8:03, the same child is enthusiastically waving her arms in reaction to the Maastricht children's choir waving theirs! And doesn't the moving image at 1:42 prove that Michael is right when he says: It don't matter if you're black or white? We all are one human race and share the same emotions. A translation of the German text is provided by way of annotations of the video (accessible via the arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the video if they don't show up.)
关于《女高音Carmen Monarcha小提琴家André Rieu演唱Earth Song向mj致敬》的评论 (9)
TinaChan0728(979939)  2009-11-23 19:15:44
kiwikiwikiwi(979938)  2009-12-27 22:26:35
吊支笔(979937)  2010-01-06 11:31:12
yaya1008(979936)  2010-02-07 22:13:09
LuoYT(979935)  2010-03-08 01:11:46
wjh998(979934)  2010-03-15 19:27:29
NBA19831123(979933)  2010-03-20 10:39:49
到后面是不是上不去了 听着有点低啊~哎
IEBLIREALLYLOVE(979932)  2010-09-09 18:48:21
吉林龙华(979931)  2014-01-04 08:54:49
荷兰著名小提琴演奏家,当代圆舞曲之王,与他的约翰·施特劳斯乐团,2009年在家乡荷兰马斯特里赫特市福莱特霍夫广场举行仲夏夜音乐会,与来自巴西的女歌手卡门·莫娜查(Carmen Monarcha)和当地的儿童合唱团一起演唱迈克尔·杰克逊的《拯救地球》,又叫做《地球之歌》,以此向迈克尔·杰克逊致敬。
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